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Check-Ups and Preventative Healthcare

Friday, June 24, 2016

More and more Americans are putting preventative healthcare and routine check-ups on the back burner due to the rising cost of healthcare and busy schedules. Regular check-ups and tests can help to find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early on providing you with more treatment options and better odds of recovery. By staying on top of your health and following through with health checks and preventive care, you are taking control of your well-being.

Determining how often you should visit your doctor for checks can be determined by many factors. Your age, family history, lifestyle choices (nutrition/exercise habits, smoking, etc), and other important factors impact how often you should visit your doctor. For example, if your family history includes a particular disease or cancer, you should make your doctor aware so they can determine how often they would like to see you. Being transparent with your medical team as well as sharing the information they ask for helps to make sure that areas that may be particularly dangerous for you are being checked.

There are even a number of health checks you can even complete at home. While you should never skip regular check-ups or doctor’s recommendations, ask what you can do at home to help be on top of your health. Being in tune with your body and health will help you be to realize when something may not be quite right.

If your doctor recommends a treatment, supplement, or prescription, be sure to follow through with their recommendations. Following your doctor’s orders is always important even when it may just be for preventative measures. Also be sure to follow-up with your medical professional as they direct. Remember that your health and well-being starts with you!

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